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Meticore is a high quality supplement with natural composition which is a lot safer than starvation diets or hours of high intensity cardio at the g…

Permanent Method Of Contraception Along With Their Characteristics

Describe the permanent method of contraception along with their characteristics? =Permanent method of contraception refers to those method which are …

Different Aspects Of Environment, Population And Health

What are the different aspects of environment, population and health? Make a list of them and explain any five briefly. Ans: The different aspects o…

How Health, Population & Environment Education Is Interrelated

Health, Population and Environment education is interrelated to various aspects, how ? Prove with example. ~ Health, population and environment educa…

According to Ayurveda, what is disease?

According to ayurveda the disturbance in the balance of wind, bile ,and mucus is known as disease .in ayurvedic system ayurvedic doctors examine puls…

How to avoid muscle loss?

Is it possible to lose a lot of fat, but not have loose skin? Yes, it is possible. 1. Include aerobic in your daily routine. ... 2. Reduce refined…

Narcotics & Smoking

In modern society the use of some narcotic drugs ,smoking toward off worries is becoming very common which  hinder the development of society . Due t…

X-rays | Basic Concepts and Uses of X-rays

Basic Concept Of X-Rays 1. X-rays are also known as Roentgen rays. 2. Production of x-rays is inverse phenomenon of photoelectric effect. 3. X-rays a…
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